Autodesk revit mep product key
Autodesk revit mep product key

autodesk revit mep product key

Historically, once an element (e.g., duct or pipe elements) is demolished, it no longer ‘remembers’ what system it was part of. This release solves those two key problems, which are: elements losing their system association, and elements no longer connected to adjacent elements. Over the years, this has resulted in two main problems that arise when an element is demolished, and resulted in one of the top MEP specific ideas on the Revit Idea Station. One of the long standing big pain points with connected MEP networks is that they were never designed with phasing in mind. Major Pain Point Resolved for Mechanical and Electrical Designers We will be providing an in-depth look at these new capabilities in an upcoming blog post. This new workflow provides a BIM centric way to commence electrical power distribution design workflows, with a vision towards connecting those workflows to downstream workflows in the future. As such, it is now possible to conceptually define and connect loads and distribution system elements before commencing model creation.

autodesk revit mep product key

We heard from designers that the requirements for distribution systems are defined and iterated long before it is necessary or even desirable to create a physical model. Unlike traditional workflows that have engineers managing information in different places - preliminary one-lines, spreadsheets, DWGs, and often PDFs - this new workflow provides a way for Revit to manage the key electrical loads and distribution information, without having to physically model any part of it. Similar in concept to the Systems Analysis Framework provided for mechanical engineers in the 2020.1 release, new functionality equips electrical engineers to define early stage design information pertinent to power distribution within Revit.

autodesk revit mep product key

We are pleased to deliver a new early stage design workflow for electrical engineers and designers. New Analytical Workflow for Electrical Preliminary Design They also address quality-of-life issues for BIM practitioners, several of which were top vote-getters on on the Revit Idea Station. These improvements address a number of strategic areas, including using analysis as the basis of design, and using models as deliverables for construction.

autodesk revit mep product key

With Revit 2023, we’re pleased to provide capabilities that span all aspects of the workflow for electrical and mechanical design from early conceptual design and analysis, to the creation and documentation of design deliverables, along with improvements to support detailed design for construction.

Autodesk revit mep product key